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What is happiness? is it the amalgamation of chemicals into the brain or is it something less material and more a state of mind? Happiness can only centrally be explained as the state of emotion in which we feel joy, or happy in other words.  It is impossible to describe.  We can neither hold it in our hand nor see it yet we can still pass it along or spread it to others.  Happiness can be found in many ways shapes and forms and I could fill up an entire book of ways that one person can be happy, then turn right around and write another on happiness from someone else perspective.  Happiness is subjective to each person and we all find happiness in different ways.


For me happiness has always been the feeling of overcoming an obstacle set before me.  Something when you first think about it you say you can never do, that is where I find joy.  I was born very sick and was not expected to survive infancy, yet here i am today.  With every day we must simply wake up, get up and keep moving on.  We eventually find happiness in these trials and tribulations we refer to as life.


One of my favorite moments of my life comes from when i wrestled for my high school.  Every time you win your match and beat your opponent before you feel a great sense of joy and accomplishment.  Both of you want to win, but only one can.  It is why you practice, work hard to stay in your weight class and drill every day.  You go through all that to experience the joy of winning your match and overcoming the obstacle that is your opponent.  When you lose your match you simply have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and practice harder and harder in order to better yourself.  

How to look at Happiness

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