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Happiness Review


What is happiness?  Happiness is a subjective term and the video "Happiness" shows us this through many different scenes and examples.  Throughout the video the movie asks us "what is happiness and how do we know what will make us happy?".  Happiness is an odd thing, those who we would think should be the happiest in society are in fact the least happy.  In an example shown to us in the video a study on people and they went through their whole lives following them and continuing the survey.  These individuals showed us that those who did the "best" in life actually ended up being the most unhappy. 


This is consistent with other data we were shown in regards to people like CEO's and major political figures.  These people were not happy, yet those who lived their lives to the fullest and took the time to enjoy themselves seemed less stressed and more happy.  The example shown to us that really sticks out to you is the scene with the man from India.  He lives in a ramshackle hut with no siding on his home and his job is pulling a rickshaw all day in order to provide for his family.  But when asked if he was happy he said "yes". 


This shows you just how subjective happiness really is.  Many of us would not be happy in his situation, most would say they are living in a kind of hell yet this many is happy.  We must understand happiness is a state of mind and only you can make yourself happy. 

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